Title: Wild Things
Author: Chloe Neill
Series: Chicagoland Vampires, #9
Publisher: NAL
Release Date: February 4, 2013
Pages: 368
Since Merit was turned into a vampire, and the protector of Chicago’s Cadogan House, it’s been a wild ride. She and Master vampire Ethan Sullivan have helped make Cadogan’s vampires the strongest in North America, and forged ties with paranormal folk of all breeds and creeds, living or dead…or both.
But now those alliances are about to be tested. A strange and twisted magic has ripped through the North American Central Pack, and Merit’s closest friends are caught in the crosshairs. Gabriel Keene, the Pack Apex, looks to Merit and Ethan for help. But who—or what—could possibly be powerful enough to out-magic a shifter?
Merit is about to go toe to toe, and cold steel to cold heart, to find out.
You may not be successful. You have powerful enemies. And even if you were--I've already lost you once. I don't wan't to loose you again." His expression softened.
I have to admit the beginning of WILD THINGS didn't go too well for me, I was bored quickly and was waiting for it to pick up like these Chicagoland Vampire books always do. It did pick up, but I went back and forth between boredom and excitement. A very weird pattern. And by the end of this book, it seemed more like one of those filler books that needed to happen to explain what is in store for the future for Cadogan, Ethan, and Merit.
At the end of the previous book, Detective Jacobs comes to warn Ethan that the mayor wants his arrest for the death of that GP member he killed in self-defense and hints that he should stay with the Breckenridges, because he doubts the mayor will be able to touch him. And while they are there the shifters are attacked by harpies and begins another mystery the Merit gang have to solve.
Like I stated in my previous review for Biting Bad, I thought the arrest was ridiculous and in WILD THINGS I feel the same way, I felt like this storyline with the arrest and the harpies attack was just a filler for the book and it was a boring filler. The arrest claim was ridiculous because vampire laws do not pertain to humans. They have no reason to arrest him for killing a vampire in self-defense. Sorry, but I just didn't get that or buy into that, made no sense.
"You're certain?" "That you'll be the only man on my mind?" Especially with the image of him standing there seared into my memory. "Yes. I'm quite certain. Positive, you could say." He smiled a little.
I felt like the real plot was getting to the mysterious prophecy that Gabriel had. Gabe said that he saw someone who had eyes that were Ethan's, but were not Ethan's eyes. We finally get some answers to that prophecy in this book. And Oh.my.god. I don't know how I feel about it, it's pretty cool, but I'd like to hear all the deets from Gabe personally. And there is a big set up for what is in store Ethan and the future of Cadogan. And double Oh. my. freaking. god. I will only tell you it has something to do with Ethan and the GP. You'll just have to read it to find out the what.
But I really felt like this book was basically needed to be written to get to the above secrets I cannot tell you about right now. Gabe's prophecy and Ethan and the GP. And I am more than excited to find out more about both of them. I need the next book, Blood Games now, because I feel like shit is really about to go down in Chicagoland Vampires!