Title: The Will
Author: Kristen Ashley
Series: Magdalene, #1
Publisher: Smashwords
Release Date: April 8, 2014
Pages: kindle edition, 375
Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant.
While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love.
But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it.
Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth
“Josie.” My name shook with his amusement and it was annoying because the way it did sounded lovely. “She gave me you.”
I was very worried before I began this book, because many KA Fans did not like this book so much, so I was dreadfully nervous. But Oh.my.god. I'm in the minority yet again! I FREAKING LOVED this book. And I can't wait for more Kristen Ashley books to follow. THE WILL is about Josie Malone, whose grandmother has passed and upon hearing her will it was declared that her grandmother gave Josie to Jake Spears. And her reaction? HORRIFIED!
I didn't like Josie so much in the beginning, but later on I warmed to her. The problem with her I had was her language. She talks like an older middle-aged woman from England with her speech. She says things like "unhand me" and "vexed". It was nice to have a whole different heroine, but good god. But in the end I got used to her weird language. She has a very horrible attitude in the beginning, which changed quickly as she warmed up to Jake and his children.
“You see, a woman who knows herself and her worth knows that her time is valuable and her heart is precious. She doesn’t give either to a man who can’t respect the gifts he’s being offered.”
Jake Spears is supposedly Josie's dream guy according to Grams. He is a classic Kristen Ashley alpha male hero. He was kind, gentle, protective and sweet! Also, he isn't afraid to tell it like it is. He has three kids and has been married three times. His kids were awesome. I always love when kids are in the mix in Kristen Ashley's books. And I loved his kids.
I was seriously over the moon when we got things, not other Josie's POV, but also in Jake's. That is complete AWESOMENESS! I greatly enjoyed how all the secrets about Grams and Jake came out in the end. The turn out was heartbreaking and just plain EPIC like many other Kristen Ashley books. In the end, I thought THE WILL was another great Kristen Ashley book. And I am looking forward to more!
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