Title: Lethal Rider
Author: Larissa Ione
Series: Lords of the Deliverance, #3
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Release Date: May 22, 2012
Pages: 433
Thanatos, the most deadly Horseman of the Apocalypse, has endured thousands of years of celibacy to prevent the end of days. But just one night with the wickedly sexy Aegis Guardian, ReganCooper, shatters centuries of resolve. Yet their passion comes with a price. And Thanatos must face a truth more terrifying than an apocalypse-he's about to become a father.
Demon-slayer Regan Cooper never imagined herself the maternal type, but with the fate of the world hanging in the balance she had no choice but to seduce Thanatos and bear his child. Now, as the final battle draws closer and his rage at being betrayed is overshadowed by an undeniable passion for the mother of his child, Thanatos has a life-shattering realization: To save the world, he must sacrifice the only thing he's ever wanted-a family.
“Kiss me?” There was a vulnerability in his request that had such a powerful effect on her that she almost choked up. In answer, she lifted her head up and touched her lips to his.
LETHAL RIDER was freaking AMAZING! It exceeded all of my expectations, but of course, how could Thantos not impress me. This book was full of complete EPIC-NESS! You will be AMAZED. I promise you that! LETHAL RIDER takes place about 8 months after Regan betrayed Thantos into having sex with her to get pregnant. Thantos has been in hell, held and unable to move by the hellhound saliva and does not know that Regan is pregnant. He only has hate for her betrayal and at his siblings for keeping him held down for the past 8 months.
“I have some more staff members to interrogate.” He winked. “I’ll try to keep their screams at a minimum.” Yeah, he really did have a quirky sense of humor. Especially because she had no doubt he was actually serious.
Thantos eventually gets free and comes after Regan only to learn that she is pregnant. He has all kinds of different thoughts and feelings on the subject. Firstly, a baby, a family is all he has ever wanted and he could never have. It seems like a dream come true except that the baby is his agimortus and may possibly be the key to destroying Pestilence. Thantos is determined to keep Regan and the baby safe at all costs.
"I wasn't lying when I said you’d awakened something sexual in me, something that frankly scares the shit out of me. But that’s my problem, not yours. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”
There were so many moments in the book where I was happy, sad, and angry with rage that it was so funny! Regan betrayed Thantos in the previous book and not only that, but she was going to give the baby to Kynan and Gem to raise thinking she won't be a suitable mother. She has had a rough childhood. But my problem is that even more than halfway through the book almost that she is still talking about giving it to them. She is attached, and this is Thanto's kid too, so he definitely has some say. I mean, the Aegis and her took like everything from him.
“Here’s how this goes. No Guardians. I don’t trust any of them, including you. You can have as much ice cream as you want. I doubt I’ll stop ordering you around.” He turned his face away and put his lips to her ear. “And you don’t get your own bedroom. You sleep here. With me.
I thought Regan had a lot of growing up to do in LETHAL RIDER. I liked her as the heroine, but I felt like she was a bit tortured as well and had a lot of growing to do as a character. Thantos was PERFECTION! We get to learn some interesting things about him and not that we didn't already know this, but HE IS SO FREAKING SEXY! THANTOS IS A GOD! He is definitely my favorite Horseman of the Apocalypse. There were so many moments that I could just rewind and rewind and rewind!
“So ask me again why I’ll win a battle of wills.” “Fine.” She jammed her feet under the covers. “Why?” “Because I’m immortal and you’re a mere human. I have an eternity to out-stubborn you.”
Overall, LETHAL RIDER was JAM-PACKED with nothing but EPIC-NESS! There was so much that happened that I could not possibly explain it all in one single review. I must say this! If you didn't already hate the Aegis, you will want to murder them and wish the most deadliest and most painful death on them! Trust me, you will! I speak the truth! I am really looking forward to Reseph's book and I can already tell from the sneak peek chapter that it is going to be an amazing book.
YAY!! I'm so glad you loved it too Mariya ^-^ Thanatos has and always will be my favorite character from the Horsemen, and I loved his story! I hated Regan though, I wish Larissa had stuck with the whole "I hate Regan I'm going to kill when I'm free" mind set, I would of been ok with him sparing his life for the sake of the baby, but yeah, New heroine please -__- lol Anyways, you'll love Reseph's book it was so sweet and so good you'll love this side of him ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah. Will be moving onto Rogue Rider soon. A little bit nervous for that book though, don't know why. :)