Title: Sticks & Stones
Author: M. Urban, Abigail Roux
Series: Cut & Run, #2
Publisher: Dreamspinner
Release Date: January 25, 2010
Pages: 348

Six months after nearly losing their lives to a serial killer in New York City, FBI Special Agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett are suffering through something almost as frightening: the monotony of desk duty. When they're ordered to take a vacation for the good of everyone's sanity, Ty bites the bullet and takes Zane home with him to West Virginia, hoping the peace and quiet of the mountains will give them the chance to explore the explosive attraction they’ve so far been unable to reconcile with their professional partnership.
Ty and Zane, along with Ty’s father and brother, head up into the Appalachian mountains for a nice, relaxing hike deep into the woods... where no one will hear them scream. They find themselves facing danger from all directions: unpredictable weather, the unrelenting mountains, wild animals, fellow hikers with nothing to lose, and the most terrifying challenge of all. Each other.
STICKS & STONES Ty invites Zane to come with him and spend time with his family. So this one ended up slowing down on that cop/suspense storyline just a tad bit and focus more on the main characters which I loved.
Zane wondered if Ty was a mama‟s boy. He tipped his head to the side, watching them as he picked out a piece of warm bread, and thought maybe so. Not that he would ever voice that opinion to Ty until he was good and ready to die.We get to meet Ty's family and I loved his family. His dad is a little bit of an ass and scary, his mother is sweet and welcoming, his brother is cool beans, and no comment on his grandpa. They were a very welcoming family. And I loved those moments. We get a very boring mystery, which I was bored to death with.
“I don’t know,” Ty said. “I don’t know if I love him or not. I think… I think I could if he let me,” he said, admitting more to Deuce than he’d even been willing to admit to himself.And I enjoyed the character development between Ty and Zane. Ty is coming to terms that he may be in love with Zane. Oh.my.god. Yes! Yes! Yes! I just have to say, I never thought he would admit it first, even just to himself or anybody for that matter. And I almost forgot, we actually get to find out what his name really is. I really can't wait to see what happens next!
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